Banff and Buchan recommends voting for Scottish National Party.
Jon Worth (video!) recommends voting for Scottish National Party.
Best for Britain recommends voting for Scottish National Party.
Remain United recommends voting for Scottish National Party. recommends voting for Scottish National Party.
The Observer recommends voting for Scottish National Party.
Electoral pacts
is standing down in order to support
Scottish National Party
Vote for Paul Robertson
Paul Robertson is the Scottish National Party candidate.
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Election results
Leave victory - Conservative won
Remain parties Scottish National Party, Labour and Liberal Democrat together would have beaten the largest leave party
Remain victory - SNP won (under proportional representation)
More polling and analysis
Our own analysis
Our analysis of past elections recommends voting for Scottish National Party.
- In the scenarios below, no other remain party was able to win.
Which outcomes are possible?
Remain can win if we work together. The largest party is Scottish National Party.
Remain victory - SNP won
Leave victory - Conservative won
Remain parties Scottish National Party, Liberal Democrat together would have beaten the largest leave party
Remain parties Scottish National Party, Labour and Liberal Democrat together would have beaten the largest leave party (under proportional representation)
Remain parties Scottish National Party, Liberal Democrat and Green together would have beaten the largest leave party
Remain parties Scottish National Party, Liberal Democrat and Labour together would have beaten the largest leave party
Leave victory - Conservative won
Remain parties Scottish National Party, Labour and Liberal Democrat together would have beaten the largest leave party (under proportional representation)
Remain parties Scottish National Party, Labour together would have beaten the largest leave party (under proportional representation)