South Basildon and East Thurrock
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Election results
Leave victory - Conservative won
Leave victory - Conservative won
Leave victory - Conservative won
Leave victory - UKIP / Brexit won (under proportional representation)
More polling and analysis
Our own analysis
Our analysis of past elections does not give a recommendation in this constituency.
- Leave is likely to win here. Vote for any remain party.
- You can still affect the nationwide vote share — important if the Leave campaign attempts to claim the election is a referendum!
Which outcomes are possible?
Leave victory - Conservative won
Leave victory - UKIP / Brexit won
Leave victory - Conservative won
Leave victory - Conservative won
Leave victory - Conservative won (under proportional representation)
Leave victory - Conservative won
Leave victory - Conservative won
Leave victory - Conservative won
Leave victory - Conservative won
Leave victory - UKIP / Brexit won (under proportional representation)
Leave victory - Conservative won (under proportional representation)